Sunday 27 May 2012

A week in Sunny London..

A confessed sun worshiper, I have been loving the weather this week... (when I'm not stuck in the basement office at work or travelling on the sweaty tube that is.)
I finally been able to wear some of my summer buys that have been collecting dust in the wardrobe this week.
Hope you have all have a sunshine filled week too. Long may it stay. xoxo

'Please Stand Behind The Yellow Line'

Hello gorgeous Dior gowns chosen for model Josephine De La Baume by Exposure. 

London prepares for the Diamond Jubilee

Dress Up Friday... I have been waiting for the right time to wear this bright pink dress from H&M. 
Friday Drinks at Exposure. 

I have worn little else but a bikini and playsuits this weekend... Chilled. 
First BBQ of year!

Monday 21 May 2012

Watch The Throne

After weeks of waiting last night finally arrived... Watch The Throne. 
I booked tickets as soon as they came out, so last nights show was originally meant to be the opening night, but we still couldn't of have picked a better night. 

Seeing a few tweets from Rihanna yesterday morning saying "Missed my flight" and "Jay Z just saved my life" so as soon as I heard the opening line of 'Run This Town' of what sounded live I knew it had to be her, and out she came. 
As if seeing Jay Z and Kanye West wasn't sick enough, watching the three of them perform together live made it even better! 

I can definitely say that the show lives up to the anticipation and hype surrounding it. From the laser light shows, to them performing their individual material as well as the A-list celebrities who have been attending each night. 
I was hoping to see Kimmy K or Beyonce but no such luck, the boys I was with saw an Arsenal and England football player 'The Ox' which went straight over my head. 

So having a special appearance from Rihanna and an encore of 'Nigga's in Paris' SIX times, (I heard they only done it three or four times at previous shows) made it a brilliant night. 

Yeezy - "Yo seriously want it again? In the history of concerts no ones ever played the same song six mother fucking times.... Ok... We're gunna skate to one song and one song only"


What I wore: Crop Top - River Island, Wet Look Leggings - Jane Norman, Trainers - Nike, London Necklace - Vintage, Cross Earrings - Topshop. 


Throw your Diamonds in the Sky... Lots of illuminati inspired triangular and diamond shape lighting. 

Saturday 12 May 2012

New Girl and Nike's

So I began my new role as Brand Intern at Exposure this week, I was a little nervous starting as the new girl and all but I must say everyone was so welcoming and friendly and I have settled in quite well. I am working mainly on the account of Nike and this week has consisted of just getting to know the brand a little better, my way around the offices and the routines etc.
I have been given my own desk space, computer and e-mail which makes the role feel more important compared to some places I have interned at.
I was worried I would feel a bit old to be going back to interning again, especially when two of the showroom interns attend my old Uni, UCA, but everyone is so nice I have got over it.

It is nice to be busy again, as I was so bored and brain dead at my old place... and found it rather exciting getting to see all the new Autumn/Winter 2012 collections, especially the new Nike and Liberty collaboration.

Looking forward for more to come!
Love and Peace x

Nike X Liberty A/W 12 ( excuse the messy desk) 

Love these High Tops.... Imagine them with a Chanel Jacket in the same colouring -SICK!

Fresh Kicks - A pair of Nike i-D's 

Monday 7 May 2012

Happy Times

I love a long Bank Holiday weekend, and although the weather hasn't been great I wasn't going to let that stop me from having a great weekend seeing and spending time with my closest friends and people I love. 

It was bound to start well seeing as Friday was my last day at work, I was pleasantly surprised with a big beautiful bunch of flowers that were delivered at lunch time. (I'm a sucker for flower bouquets). 

Saturday I spent Spring Cleaning and having a huge clear out, then FINALLY got round to watching 'Friends with Benefits' with my friend Georgina and a HUGE bar of Galaxy... Perfect! 

On Sunday I grabbed a Carvery with two of my best friends, one who has the most gorgeous baby boy Archie who is now One and kept us all on our toes as he is now walking. I am sure he loves the girly shopping trips really even though he kept trying to run away! 

Sunday evening had been arranged for a reunion with my old work friends from H&M, just a few quiet drinks at our local, but it was lovely to catch up and see everyone. I wore, my staple Black Jeans & Blazer combo with my Tupac vest... I grabbed this in Ibiza last year and love it. 

Finally today, I met up with my cousin for a pre Ibiza shopping trip at Westfield Stratford,  I have been buying clothes for towards this for quite some time now, but still managed to find more today. H&M's Fashion Against Aids collection has lots of fab pieces that will look great!
 It was also the first time I ever tried Wagamama's (I was a Wagamama virgin) but I will definitely be returning. 

Ibiza wardrobe coming along nicely with new purchases today. 

Tomorrow I start my new internship at Exposure PR, I can't wait to get stuck in, so tonight I will be getting an early night and preparing for the morning. 

Also I would just like to say Thank you for the lovely kind comments on my last post
I have been offered a job trial at Ibiza Rocks, however when I went to apply for a NIE (kind of like a Spanish National Insurance number) it cost about £300 so that idea went out the window. 
I am now going to work really hard at Exposure and see where it gets me :).