Tuesday 17 February 2015

Ban Saan Fan Children's Orphanage Thailand

This week I am staying at the Bungwan children's home, Baan San-Fan orphanage which I found through Podvolunteer.org. Based in the village of Bang Wan, Pang Nga province in the south of Thailand it was one of the worst hit areas in the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami. 
Founders Sam and Gai visited the area to help with the devastation it caused and less than 9 months later they ended up opening the orphanage with 8 children as well as their own 3. 

There are currently 12 children housed and cared for here, they would love to take on more but money is an issue. There are hundreds of children in Phang Nga at risk from the prostitution and drug trades that blight the region. The orphanage runs on donations as well as selling products from their organic farm that the children help out with.

Speaking to Gai, you can tell how passionate she is about her orphanage. Calling everyone here her children, no one is treated differently, you are all part of the family and as the only volunteer here this week I have been lucky enough to be welcomed into the family fold with open arms. Yet she is desperately worried about the future. Sam and Gai have many plans and hopes for the orphanage but it all depends on funding. 

Their organic farm is becoming more successful, they now sell over 5000 eggs a week to two different stores, as well as organic chicken meat to markets in Bangkok. Sam has become an accomplished livestock farmer in recent years and has created a thriving business that he hopes will continue grow. The Chicken Farm is a reliable source of income which pays for the children's food, clothes and education.
They're also pretty tasty too! 
Priced at 120 Thai Baht for a dozen they're one of the best priced eggs in the country.

The orphanage also grow all their own fruit and vegetables that's mainly used for consumption here. Such as these juicy pineapples; 

However, the project I'm most excited about is the coffee shop! Sam grows his own coffee plants on the land and hopes to open his own shop. Situated on a main road, there would be lots of passing trade; it's the perfect business plan. All that's needed is the funding to make this possible. 
The coffee plant.

The proposed coffee house.

The coffee itself which is delicious!

Another source of income for the orphanage is the soaps and gifts they make, all from natural sources grown here on the farm. You can choose from Coconut Oil, Mangosteen, Coffee and Bamboo - all smell AMAZING. They also come in the cutest boxes and make the perfect gifts. There's even mini ones which they supply to hotels. 

Other products include honey, coconut oil, Christmas cards t-shirts and bags. All of which are available to purchase on their website or through Etsy. 

Everything Sam & Gai do here is to ensure the children and the orphanage have a future, something Gai is concerned about. Their eldest son is currently at university in Bangkok studying law, he helps selling their chicken and eggs in the market there and once he has graduated Gai hopes he will return to help support the orphanage. She wants someone to continue to look after and run the place long after she has gone. 

If you are interested in reading more, donating or purchasing any products please visit their website; http://www.baansanfan.org or their facebook page; 

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