So I won't go into too much detail, but recently I have found myself in a bit of a predicament.
For the last few years I have been seeing one of my best friends (on and off) but we can never seem to work it out, so I've put myself out there and have started going on a few dates... It's going ok, but I just don't get that 'feeling', and have come to the conclusion that my best friend is in fact my lobster...
You know... from Friends, when Phoebe explains to Ross that he's Rachel's lobster.
The one you always seem to go back to no matter what.
So it got me thinking about Ross and Rachel and then all the other great 'celebrity' couples (I say celebrity in brackets, because there are a few fictional ones in here but great none the less) out there we have seen come and go, but were meant to be together. forever.
Ross and Rachel
Because: He's her lobster.... and she got off the plane!!!!
Can you believe they made these T-Shirts? I NEED one! |
Rickaaaaayyy and Bianca
Because: Do we need a reason??
Eminem and Kim
Because: If he rap's about you (even if he does say he wants to kill you) he must love you. And when you're so in love you dye your hair the same shade of bleach.
Frank and Pat Butcher
Because: If he turns up at your front door naked with a spinning bow tie he's a keeper.
David and Victoria Beckham
Because: If you can have a wedding that tacky and still look great it's love.
Beyonce and Jay-Z
Because: Hip-Hop royalty, this couple can seem to do no wrong.... She can even wear a denim split skirt and he still looks at her like she's hot.